With Act2 the difference is clear...

Advanced Water & Wastewater Treatment
The ACT2 Difference

Ultrafiltration (UF), and Nano Filtration Technology

The ACT2

ACT2 Technologies, LLC is an innovative company dedicated to the reclamation and the conservation of water worldwide.
Our systems are designed to produce acceptable water quality for any application or governing body worldwide.

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The ACT2 Water Reclamation system has exceeded the 2016 USCG/IMO MEPC 227(64) requirements for both Nitrogen and Phosphorus showing a 95% reduction of Nitrogen and a Phosphorus reduction of 98.6% when only 80% reduction is required to meet Section 4.2 for Alaska and Baltic Sea use. This has been the case since the design of our first unit in 2008.

ACT2 WR Systems Regulation upgrades to date with NO equipment or system changes or modifications. This makes the ACT2 WRS the longest-running machine to comply with the new IMO resolution 227(64) and Section 4.2 requirements.

THE ACT2 Water Reclamation System

ACT2 Technologies, LLC is an innovative company dedicated to reclamation and the conservation of water worldwide. Our systems are designed to produce acceptable water quality for any application or governing body worldwide.

The ACT2 WR Systems were the FIRST in the industry to utilize Ultrafiltration (UF), as well as an optional NANO Filtration Technology for MSD/STP applications.

Another advantage of the ACT2 WR System is the ability to digest sludge to water in order to eliminate the HIGH COST of “Sludge Removal drying, incineration, pumping overboard/ashore, or any other means of disposing built up sludge, not to mention the elimination of a “Sludge Tank” Continuous Sludge removal can eventually add up to the cost of the machine.


Aerobic Digestion

AEROBIC DIGESTION (Wikipedia) Bacteria rapidly consume organic matter and convert it into carbon dioxide, water, and a range of lower molecular weight organic compounds.
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Sludge and Organic Material Digestion was actually the beginning of the Company when it was asked to develop a system to completely digest Hogs and other animals into water in order to prevent the spread of diseases and to satisfy EPA requirements. 

The company was originally digesting hog and dairy waste to EPA drinking water standards prior to digesting animal carcasses. Marine Wastewater is simple compared to bones, cartilage, fur, and hides. The ACT2 WR Systems do not use any forms of Chlorines as they are proven, by the EPA, to create a cancer-causing carcinogen gas known as Trihalomethane (THMs) when mixed with wastewater (sewage) and vented throughout the vessel undetected.

The LEADER in Ultra Filtration (UF) MSD & Water Reclamation Systems


The UF Membrane

ACT2 Technologies specializes in water reuse and closed loop remediation technology.

ACT2 Technologies specializes in water reuse and closed loop remediation technology. This technique allows waste and toxic waters to be purified and reused for flushing toilets or openly discharged for irrigation purposes or other applications.

The UF Membranes should not be confused with MBR (Membrane Bioreactor) types. UF and NANO membranes do NOT require physical “hands on” cleaning of the sewage from the membrane material as MBR’s do.

ACT2 Technologies

ACT2 Technologies specializes in water reuse and closed loop remediation technology.


ACT2 Technologies specialize in the following:

  • Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Purification of Toxic Wastewater
  • Neutralization of Landfill Leachate and Toxic Chemical Removal
  • Water Purification
  • Zero virus and bacteria discharge Systems
  • Laboratory Documented “Waste to Water” Systems
  • Grey Water only systems on request

Membrane Technology

ACT2 Technologies specializes in water reuse and closed loop remediation technology.

MEMBRANE Technology Ultra Filtration (UF) and NANO Filtration Removal Scale Notice the Bacteria and Virus Removal stages within the UF membranes

Excellence in innovation Award

2008 International Superyacht Society

In 2008 the International Super-Yacht Society awarded the Dragonfly System with the first “Excellence In Innovation Award” for the Dragonfly Systems.